Annual Exhibition

Annual Exhibition

The Annual Exhibition is one of the two most important events in the BENHS calendar – usually the 1st Saturday in November and is currently held at Conway Hall, Holburn, London. Along with regular attendees, a special invitation is offered to new and student members and to long-standing members who have never previously attended, to join us. Non-members are also very welcome to attend.

The Exhibition is an opportunity to meet other members of BENHS and its affiliated societies whilst perusing significant insect voucher specimens, photographs and posters. The BENHS membership encompasses and welcomes entomological novices right through to the nation’s top experts in particular insect groups. Its affiliated societies specialise in flies, beetles, plant galls, spiders millipedes, centipedes, woodlice, bees, wasps, ants and earthworms!

As such, the informal atmosphere of the Exhibition is a great place to share experiences and a shared fascination for insects. For those who would like to develop a professional career in entomology or to take an amateur interest further, it can be a very valuable and productive experience.

The success of the Exhibition depends to a large extent on BENHS members bringing along specimens, photographs and posters to display to the other attendees. Consequently, please do consider not only attending but bringing along an exhibit, no matter how small. Exhibits take the form of preserved specimens which may be of scientific interest or reflect a personal interest, or perhaps consider ecological, local or historical themes. A table will be set aside for the exhibition of unidentified specimens and although identification cannot be guaranteed, many members are always happy to offer advice and assistance on such specimens.

Other exhibits can be printed-off photographs of living insects and we particularly encourage the presentations of posters demonstrating specific studies. Interesting entomological equipment, artwork, literature and trivia also make good exhibits. Live invertebrates may be exhibited where appropriate.

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