The Society has a purpose built headquarters at the Pelham-Clinton Building, situated at Dinton Pastures Country Park, Davis Street, Hurst, near Reading.

The Building is named after our late member Edward Pelham-Clinton, 10th Duke of Newcastle, whose generous legacy made its construction possible.

Library and Collections

The headquarters houses the Society’s Library and Collections in two air conditioned rooms. The Library comprises books and papers covering all orders of insects and many other aspects of natural history. Books may be borrowed by members. The Society’s Collections comprehensive reference collections of Diptera, Coleoptera, Odonata, and British and European Lepidoptera.

The Library and Collections are open for the use of members on advertised Sundays each month (visitors are welcome at these times) and at other times by appointment.

dinton pastures, reading


During the year the Pelham-Clinton Building acts as the focus for a number of weekend Workshop meetings at which identification advice and assistance is given by leading experts in particular fields.