Portfolio Description
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  • 27/10/2014

British Soldierflies and Their Allies (2nd Edition)

By Alan Stubbs and Martin Drake
Photographic colour plates by David Wilson

British Soldierflies and Their Allies is a guide to the identification and natural history of eleven families of large and attractive flies that have fascinated entomologists for many years.

It is a sequel to British Hoverflies by Alan Stubbs and Steven Falk and employs a similar format for the keys. Illustrations of the identification features are shown alongside the couplets, which allows species to be recognised more readily than with previous publications. The text summarises an extensive body of information that was previously dispersed in many publications, as well as including original observations based on many years of fieldwork.

The colour photographs depict specimens of adult flies for nearly the entire British fauna of these families, showing their distinctive appearance and coloration.


Postage & packaging £5.50

Please note: Regretfully we are unable to deliver to China.